Wednesday 24 December 2008

...And another thing: Or IsThePopeADope?

Okay, so maybe attacking the Queen and the Pope on one Christmas Eve is a little churlish, but considering their respective contributions to world affairs, I feel more than justified. Herr Ratzinger has declared that homosexuality is more pernicious and world-threatening than global warming...Hmm, our survey says 'WTF'. Now, obviously his remit as God's voicepiece on Earth does not allow him to say goodwill to all those who take their passions in the Greek fashion, but a certain percentage of the human population removing themselves (without entering the debate as to genetic, social, or other 'causes' of homosexuality) from the business of procreation is surely part of Catholic doctrine, as priests must remain celibate. Not to mention the cliches regarding the proclivities of the wrong sort of priest over the centuries. Unless the Vatican has actually been sanctioning any priestly transgressions in order to build up an evidence based case which proves that homosexual acts are more responsible for global warming than carbon consumption...
In fact, moving away from the inevitably anthropocentrist view that Catholicism must adopt (man made in God's image and all that jazz), the world itself could probably benefit from a few less humans, and the vital difference between the two phenomena (homosexuality and global warming) is that one only effects our own self-destructive species, whilst the other is a product of our unsatiable greed but will adversely effect all species on the planet (whichever ones we don't make extinct first, of course). So in conclusion, Gay is good, the end of the world is not (and they have no logical connection to one another). Hopefully that's a Christmas message we can all agree on.


  1. "Gay is good, the end of the world is not (and they have no logical connection to one another)".

    This may be one of the best Christmas speeches I have ever seen... :0)

  2. Why thank you, Dr Song. I'm waiting for the phonecall from the BBC to do next year's message.

  3. indie will become addicted to your shakespeare hangman if she stays on your blog page for another second... havent had a time to read anything as i have been distracted & have to get back to work !!!

    just one more word ...
